With over Three Generations of Residential House Painting...we have learned a thing or two...or three...or four! We know your home is probably your largest and most personal investment. Not only have you spent your precious weekends to fix it up, you may have also reached out to contractors to help with those Not-For-Me-DIY projects. Your next interior painting or exterior house painting project may be one of them. We know that ladder climbing, roof clinging, sanding and the potential of paint splatter may not be for you...not to mention the endless weekends it may take to complete it!
Therefore, let Legacy Painting Contractors do it for you! We can certainly save you weekends of time and the affordable price may surprise you too!
Once our thorough preparation has been completed the painting process can begin. Paint will be applied to your interior or exterior walls and trim by either brush, roll and spray application or a mix of all three.
The application used will be the most effective method chosen by our Lead Painter. We also choose top of line paint products through Sherwin Williams, Kelly-Moore or Benjamin Moore paints. As the job continues, we will communicate with each homeowner on a daily basis ~ No one is out of the loop!
Once the painting has been completed we will do a complete walk-thru with all employees and then schedule a final walk-thru with the homeowner. We want to be certain that you are pleased with our professional painting results.
To read a little more about our painting process, please click on the below links.
Since 1964, our Legacy Painting Team offers a wide variety of interior house painting services. Our house painters are hardworking, clean, courteous, and attentive to your home's every detail. We will not assume the job is completed until you are completely satisfied.
Read our Customers Review page here!
We use top of the line interior house painting products from Sherwin Williams, Kelly Moore, and others. As a Family of House Painting Contractors, we take pride in our workmanship while still being one of the most affordable “house painters” in the Bay area.
From start to finish, we make certain each homeowner is pleased with the professional results we deliver. Our painting team strives to get the job done right, every time!
Check out our Interior Painting Portfolio to see our recent projects in-process.
Thorough preparation and painting~
With great care we can now begin the painting process!
Paint will be applied to walls, ceilings and/or millwork. Brush, roll or spray application will be used depending upon the most effective method chosen by our Lead Painter. As the job continues we will communicate with each homeowner on a daily basis ~ No one is out of the loop!
Once the painting has been completed we will do a complete walk-thru with all employees and then schedule a final walk-thru with the homeowner. We want to be certain that you are pleased with our professional painting results.
Check out Interior Paint color palettes here: Sherwin Williams
If you are wanting to receive an Interior Painting Estimate for your home, give us a call today!
Our exterior house painters are hardworking, clean, courteous, and attentive to your home's every detail. Our Owner/Operator, David, will not assume the job is completed until you are completely satisfied.
We use top of the line exterior house painting products from Sherwin Williams, Kelly Moore and Benjamin Moore.
As a Family of House Painting Contractors, we take pride in our workmanship while still being one of the most affordable “house painters” in the Tri-Valley and Bay areas.
From start to finish, we make certain each homeowner is pleased with the professional results we deliver. Our painting team strives to get the job done right, every time!
Thorough Preparation and Painting:
Paint will be applied to exterior walls and trim. Brush, roll or spray application will be used depending upon the most effective method chosen by our Lead Painter. As the job continues we will communicate with each homeowner on a daily basis ~ No one is out of the loop!
Once the painting has been completed we will do a complete walk-thru with all employees and then schedule a final walk-thru with the homeowner. We want to be certain that you are pleased with our professional painting results.
If you are wanting to receive an Exterior Painting Estimate for your home, give us a call today! 925-484-4843
See our reviews!
We do color consulting. Call 925-484-4843 for more information